Eng Tiong posing with our teaser poster.
Our teaser poster will be up in GV cineplexes this week! The above picture is a test of our poster in the lightbox. Looking good!
In addition, our trailer will also be out this week in selected GV theatres.
Help us spot our posters and trailers! Leave a comment and tell us where you've seen them. Especially for our trailer, let us know:
1. Which GV cineplex?
2. Which movie you've caught with our trailer?
3. Which hall?
4. The movie's showtime
That'll greatly help us evaluate our marketing strategy!
For your kind help, we've rummaged through our drawers and closets to find a good reward...
The one who spots the most teaser poster locations & trailer spots will win A PAIR OF MOVIE TICKETS TO OUR CHARITY PREMIERE OF TRUTH BE TOLD ON SEPTEMBER 27, 2007!
Happy spotting! :)